Spiders, Spiders Everywhere, or Maybe Just Tarantulas

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Prepare to have your mind blown! And perhaps feel a little creepy crawly at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University’s Tarantulas: Alive and Up Close Exhibit.

Tarantulas Alive and Up Close Entrance

Love this shot! I didn’t tell her to take notes either. They gave her this little notebook and she chose to.

This post was created in partnership with Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University. 

Who spins silk? Silk worms. Why yes, but so do some tarantulas. They spin silk webs for their burrows. Do porcupines really throw quills? No, but some tarantulas kick hair off their backsides, hurling it toward potential threats.

Tarantulas Alive and Up Close Brown Tarantula

Who’s ready to learn more about these hairy 8-legged arachnids? If you say “Not me!” I dare you to step outside your comfort zone and take your kids to the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University’s Tarantulas: Alive and Up Close. That would be “up real close” if the bravest of staff members is onsite to hold them for you. Otherwise, there’s always a very thick layer of glass between you and these truly fascinating creatures.

Tarantulas Alive and Up Close Informational

But you hate spiders so much you are tempted to burn your house down when you see one in it. I get it. I’m not a spider fan either. But here’s the thing. I refuse to let my fears limit my kids and shape their fears as much as I possibly can. I think I proved that when I faced my horrific fear of heights to learn trapeze.

Tarantulas Alive and Up Close Picture Drawing

As always, the staff is so knowledgeable about the tarantula exhibit. Not only are they a wealth of information, but they make themselves so available and welcoming that even my most soft spoken child is willing to walk up to them and ask them questions without my prompting. LOVE THIS!

Tarantulas Alive and Up Close Spider

We all know the stereotypical “pet tarantula”, but this exhibit will teach you so much more. From burrowers to tree living, desert to rain forest, you will learn more about tarantulas than you ever thought possible. You might even find your household spider isn’t quite so bad anymore. After all, they are much smaller and not quite so large or hairy – usually.

Tarantulas Alive and Up Close Sensory

As with every other Academy of Natural Science of Drexel University exhibit, Tarantulas: Alive and Up Close is interactive and appeals to kids and adults alike. Go! You won’t be disappointed. You might even find this educational activity is as educational for you as the kids.

Tarantulas Alive and Up Close Ghost Tarantula

My daughter’s favorite!

Important Information about Tarantulas: Alive and Up Close

  • Exhibit runs January 30 – May 30, 2016
  • Cost is $5 for the exhibit (non-members), $3 for members, and FREE for Family Plus and above members
  • You can find admission prices and membership information here.
  • See here for parking information as you can get discounted parking in certain garages. NOTE: It says for members only, but check with the pay station attendant as you may be able to get a smaller discount as a non-member from what it looked like on a sign.

Weigh in. Tarantulas. Can you handle them?

Tarantulas Alive and Up Close Exhibit Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University

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